Classes & Services

The courses offered by NDS meet on weekends, evenings, and during daytime hours.  We strive to make all our programs convenient and accessible to anyone who wishes to participate. If there is a program that you are interested in but do not see listed, please let us know.  We are always interested in new ways to serve our community!

Class locations are noted below however, in an effort to respect the privacy of our students, we ask that you please contact us for specific dates and times.

*We offer some classes in Spanish – Please contact us for more details.

Electronic Monitoring (GPS & House Arrest) – Offered at all locations

SATOP – Offered at all locations

Alcohol & Drug Testing – Offered in Liberty & Kansas City M-F and Independence on Wednesdays

Domestic Violence Intervention Program – Offered at the Kansas City location

26-Week State Certified Domestic Violence Intervention Program

Anger Control Education – Conducted Virtually

8-week program addressing topics such as, how to avoid confrontations, working within stressful situations, avoiding being pushed into a violent interaction and other issues individuals face in everyday situations.

Evaluations – Offered at the Kansas City location

Substance Abuse Evaluation
General Needs Evaluation
Domestic Violence Evaluation
Mental Health Evaluation

Victim Impact Panel – Offered online and in person at Kansas City and Liberty locations

2-hour course designed to bring home the far reaching effects of driving under the influence of alcohol and other drugs from the perspective of the victim.  

Parenting With Love and Logic – Offered at the Kansas City location

8 hour nationally recognized program designed to aid parents in raising their children in a loving, sensible, non-violent manner.

Driver Improvement Program – Offered online and in person at Kansas City and Liberty locations

8-hour state certified point-reduction or 4-hour course available

Shoplifting Impact Education – Offered online and in person at Kansas City location

A 4-hour course created to enlighten participants on the costs of theft and its impact upon all those involved

Drug Free Program – Offered at the Kansas City location

This program includes the Substance Abuse Education Program as described below as well as 3 random drug tests over a 90-day period.

Substance Abuse Education Program - Offered at Kansas City and Liberty locations

Designed to provide information to individuals of all ages who are at risk of developing substance abuse problems this educational program is 10 hours in length.

Gambling - Offered at the Kansas City and Liberty locations

Individual program focused on problem gambling prevention, treatment & recovery

Sentencing Assessment Report - Offered at Kansas City and Liberty locations

This report is intended to provide the court with information for the determination of a sentencing decision. Information is compiled regarding the nature and severity of the offense, prior criminal history, risk, the impact of the offense on the victim(s) and other related factors.

Community Service - Offered at Kansas City and Liberty locations

NDS supervision and the verification of community service hours performed at designated non-profit sites.

Click Here To Register and Pay for Classes
NDS offers a reduced fee schedule for individuals who meet certain guidelines. Please contact us for more details.